Tuesday, March 18, 2008

31: Finished photos

Ok, so here's a little more back story - I moved in to the TAJ last March, and lived in it through the end of November of this year. At the end of November I move up to Bend, Oregon where I now live. It was sad to leave behind the building I had built after living in it for only 6 months, but the point was never about the finished product, but rather about the process.

Building the TAJ taught me an incredible amount - about building, about sustainability, about teaching and leading, about managing a big, long-term project, about salvaging value from stuff others consider waste, and about how hard work and perseverance can really pay off.

It also made me realize how empowering it is to be able to build you're own house - even something as tiny as the TAJ. Here in Bend, where I'm now writing this from, I am just renting a place, but I don't anticipate doing this for very long - my next building project will hopefully be bigger, better, and soon. Ok, so here's the promised photos of the finished TAJ:

Porch and front two sides:

Electrical coming from the trench:

Underside of porch and exterior light:

Gutter on the backside of the house:

The footings of the porch rest on stones:

The suspension system for the bed:

The pulleys for the bed:

Hooks with jackets:

Closet full of stuff:

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